May 26, 2022
POSTED BY: Nicholas Venditti

How to Clean Golf Clubs

Golfing is a popular sport and hobby that millions of people indulge in weekly. It is a relaxing activity that can help soothe the mind and keep one fit. That said, golf requires a good chunk of time for maintaining equipment than other sports do. 

One of the most crucial things that golfers have to do to maintain their equipment is clean their golf clubs. Skip this maintenance, and you could shorten the lifespan of your clubs by years.

Here, we offer a comprehensive guide to help golfers clean their clubs. From your irons to your woods, shafts, and more, learn tips and tricks to keep your equipment clean and investment protected.

What You’ll Need to Clean Your Golf Clubs

If you want to ensure improved longevity for your equipment, you need to tend to each piece of your gear properly. Gather the following supplies to clean your clubs: 

  • - Buckets
  • - Warm water
  • - Dishwashing fluids
  • - Soft-bristle brush
  • - Towels
  • - Polish, preferably chrome
  • - A cleaning cloth

This list is pretty universal, and with it, you should be able to clean any part of any of your clubs effectively. 

What’s the Best Way to Clean Golf Irons?

When it comes to distance, your irons are the single most important weapon you possess in your set. The clubheads on irons are usually steel or solid iron, hence the name. While maintaining the entire club from the clubhead to the shaft and grip is essential, we’ll focus on cleaning the clubheads of your irons since they impact the performance most. 

  1. Grab your bucket and fill enough of the bucket with warm—not hot—water. If you use hot water, you may risk separating the club's head from the shaft thanks to hot water loosening the metal.
  2. Use a tablespoon and add 2 or 3 drops of dishwasher liquid to the water.
  3. Submerge the heads of your clubs into the water and leave them there for ten minutes. If your equipment is especially dirty, it may require being left alone for longer, perhaps 15 or 20 minutes.
  4. Once enough time has passed for you to feel confident that the dirt on your gear has loosened, take out the heads and scrub them using your cleaning cloth. It is essential to be thorough in this step, scrubbing every centimeter of the surface of your club heads. Take extra caution to ensure that each groove is fully clean, as even a single improperly cleaned groove can negatively affect your next game.
  5. When you have finished scrubbing your club heads, place them back in the water. Rinse them and then dry them with your towel. Be careful to dry them properly because a wet club can quickly begin to rust.
  6. If you want to make your equipment look pristine, you can apply a bit of polish, which you do by rubbing it in gently, in circular motions, and leaving it for a minute.
  7. If you decide to apply polish, the final step is to remove all of it. Otherwise, grease will appear on the club heads.

Clean golf irons are essential for maximum performance so that you can bring your A-game.  

How to Clean Your Golf Woods

If you have a golf wood, also known as a driver, you should know that the process is different from cleaning your irons. However, while woods historically used wood for the shaft (and hence the name), nowadays, modern woods usually consist of various metals, like graphite or steel for the shaft. 

The cleaning process is shorter because you don’t want to keep these clubs submerged in water. 

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of soap or dishwashing liquid with warm water in a bowl or bucket.
  2. Once the water and soap have mixed, you carefully dip your cleaning instrument into the mix and use that to scrub your clubhead clean. You do not want this kind of gear to get too wet, as the metal shaft can rust easily.
  3. As a final step, make sure you clean your clubhead, taking extra care to dry it off with a towel so no rust can form.

How to Clean Your Shafts and Grips

There is more to clubs than just the clubheads. The final maintenance step is to clean the shafts and the grips. 

To clean your shafts, you need two items: a towel and a damp cloth. You can clean a golf shaft by taking your damp cloth and carefully clearing any grime and other such things off of the shaft. Once you finish, dry the object with a towel.

To clean rust, you can apply vinegar to your cloth and then carefully remove the rust while being careful not to scratch the shaft. Once finished, make sure to remove any residue on your cloth or your shaft and dry all of the tools you used to maintain your golf equipment.

On the topic of shafts, one golf myth worth clearing up here is that the shaft is the critical component of the club. The reality is that the clubhead has more bearing on the ball flight and launch. Still, it is worth cleaning the shafts to keep the entire club in tip-top shape. 

If you want to clean the grips of your clubs, all you need is a damp cloth and some water. When you clean the grip of your club, which you should do very often, you get a damp cloth and wipe the surface of the grip. You want to do this with warm water to avoid damaging the grip. 

Once you’ve finished cleaning the grip, dry the surface with a towel to ensure that your equipment maintains its quality for a long time.

Additional Tips To Keep Your Clubs Performing Well

While we have reviewed the easiest ways to clean your gear, there is more to maintenance than merely cleaning your items. To keep your clubs performing well, consider the following tips:

Store Your Clubs the Proper Way

The first tip we have is to store your clubs the right way. Proper storage can insulate your gear from the elements and further their longevity.

The best place to store your clubs is in a cool, dry place. Ideally, you should store it in protective equipment, like the right kind of bag. Golf bags aren’t just useful for carrying your clubs on the course but also for storing them at home. 

Many bags feature anti-elemental technologies that protect against humidity, moisture, and heat. Plus, golf bags allow you to store your clubs in an upright position so that they don’t fall and get damaged by dings and bumps.

Given how much weather affects a ball’s distance, you need the very best in anti-elemental protections. Store your clubs in a weather-proof bag for the best performance optimization. 

Clean Golf Balls After Playing a Round

To play at the highest possible level, you need all of your equipment to be spick and span, including your golf balls. 

To clean your golf balls, you need warm water, dishwashing liquid, and a non-metal scourer, or even an old toothbrush. 

Put a spoonful or two of dishwashing liquid in the water, dip your balls in the water, and then brush off any remaining grime or dirt with your toothbrush. Air-dry them and store them in a cloth bag when finished. 


Golfing gear can quickly become dirty, but it is easy to clean and doesn’t take too much time. The main thing to do is be consistent and keep up with maintenance to maximize the longevity of your clubs. 

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